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Free Parent Resources-Education Assistance

The Parent Academy is a Miami-Dade County Public Schools initiative designed to support community and family involvement across the district. Research shows that students achieve more when parents are involved in their child’s education. The Parent Academy is committed in enriching the lives of children by bridging the gap between home and school through the provision of valuable resources. We provide free skill building classes, free educational events and free activities for parents and families. The Parent Academy is a source that helps answer parents’ questions on topics that impact their children’s lives, including academic support, health care, emotional and financial management.
The Parent Academy facilitates:
  • Parents with tips and opportunities for meaningful involvement in their children’s education.
  • Free classes and workshops for parents throughout the district.
The Parent Academy is always available to assist you.
(305) 995-2680
(305) 523-0505
1450 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 216
Miami, Florida 33132
Mail Code:
The Parent Academy has prepared a resource guide to assist you with a wide variety of topics and available resources to parents and family. We hope that you take advantage of these wonderful opportunities to assist you and your children achieve academic success. On behalf of The Parent Academy staff we thank you and look forward to working with you.
Best wishes for a successful school year!
Renny Neyra
District Director
The Parent Academy

Parental Involvement
Students achieve more when parents are involved in their child’s education process regardless of their socioeconomic status, ethnic or racial background, or the parent’s educational level.  The National Center for School Engagement points out that parent involvement is a major factor in helping students succeed in school and is a foundation for achievement in life.  Children whose parents are involved in their education often earn higher grades and receive higher test scores, have fewer absences, demonstrate positive behaviors and attitudes about school and are more likely to graduate and enroll in post-secondary education. 
Helpful websites
Read, Set, Learn
With a little advanced planning, you can set your child up to be an enthusiastic learner. Here are some suggestions to help your child enjoy a successful school year.   
  • Work with your child to create a personal study area that is comfortable, well lit, and stocked with school supplies. Use shelves and containers to do away with clutter. Add a touch of playfulness with colorful accessories.
  • Establish daily homework routines. Because homework gives a child the chance to delve into learning, it helps foster a keen appetite for knowledge and a healthy respect for trial and error. These factors may propel your child to take leaps of faith into uncharted realms of discovery.
  • Be the learning Coach! Schedule time every day to sit with your child as he or she explains and thinks though their homework assignments. If it becomes apparent that your child is not grasping studies and assignments, email the teacher or request a conference.
  • Dedicate a "Launch Pad," a space where your child can place all the "out the door" essentials needed for school the next day. 
  • Engage in brainstorming sessions with your child to identify all the resources and strategies he or she may able to use to stay on top of their work.  Beyond the organizational tools like student planners, consider every possible untapped and unexpected source of support. 
  • Find out about your school's PTA/PTSA membership drive.  Getting involved in your child's school by joining the PTA/PTSA is a must!
  • Get a Parent Portal account to review progress, attendance and assignments.  If you don't have an account, find out who can assist at the school and request a Parent Portal workshop to be delivered by The Parent Academy.
  • High school is a pivotal time for your student to identify goals to take advantage of post-secondary learning and career options. Be involved in the planning process. Helping your child achieve their goals is rewarding and a wonderful opportunity to interact with them as they mature and become young adults.
  • In the middle and high school years, your support is needed as much as ever.
  • Just consider the wonderful truth that while you are your child's first and best teacher, your child may also be teaching you things you did not know you did not know.


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