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Education week-Blogs of Info-for you

Deborah Meier blogs—and debates—with others about what matters most for today's students, educators, and policymakers.
RSSDeborah Meier

Education and the Media

Mark Walsh examines news media coverage of education, as well how schools, teachers, and students are treated in popular culture.


Living in Dialogue

Science educator and activist Anthony Cody explores education reform and teaching for change.


Of, By, For: In Search of the Civic Mission of K-12 Schools

Education activist Sam Chaltain writes about the changing nature of public education and highlights where the K-12 learning revolution is already underway.



OpEducation is a roundtable opinion blog featuring a variety of education thought leaders discussing K-12 issues.

Politics K-12

This must-read coverage follows federal and state developments in education, with reporters Michele McNeil and Alyson Klein.


Public Engagement & Ed Reform

Stu Silberman, executive director of the Prichard Committee, writes about the challenges of building public and political support in the age of education reform.
Public Engagement and Ed Reform RSSStu Silberman Twitter


Rick Hess Straight Up

Rick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute offers straight talk on policy, politics, research, and reform.


Sara Mead's Policy Notebook

Sara Mead writes about education policy, with a focus on improving educational outcomes for low-income students.

The School Law Blog

Get news and analysis on legal developments affecting schools, educators, and parents, from Contributing Writer Mark Walsh.

State EdWatch

Track education policy and politics across the 50 states with Staff Writer Andrew Ujifusa.
RSSFollow State EdWatch


Digital Education

Follow technology trends and topics in K-12 education withEducation Week reporter Ben Herold.


EdTech Researcher

Justin Reich looks to bridge the gap between ed-tech researchers and educators and analyze how research in the field is influencing K-12 policy and practice.
RSSFollow Justin Reich


Education Futures: Emerging Trends and Technologies in K-12

Education professor Matthew Lynch chronicles promising new trends and technologies in the K-12 classroom.

Marketplace K-12

Associate Editor Sean Cavanagh and Staff Writer Michele Molnar explore the education industry, entrepreneurship, and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.


Reimagining K-12

Matthew Greenfield and Tom Segal examine how innovative ideas, creative people, and marketplace trends are reshaping K-12 education.
Reimagining K-12 RSSTom SegalMatthew Greenfield


The Startup Blog: Ed Tech From the Ground Up

Startup entrepreneurs Adam Geller and Michele McKeone chart their efforts to launch and build ed-tech companies and describe the challenges they face in securing funding, finding customers, and growing their businesses.
Subscribe to my feedFollow Marjan Ghara on Twitter.Follow Michele McKeone on Twitter.


Vander Ark on Innovation

Tom Vander Ark analyzes the interrelationships between student needs and learning experiences and how schools innovate to meet those needs and improve those experiences, especially through the use of educational technology.
On InnovationTom Vander Ark


Inside School Research

Reporter Sarah D. Sparks examines and interprets education research and its practical applications for K-12 education.



Global Learning

Anthony Jackson explores how school systems at home and abroad are keeping pace with a changing world.


Lessons From China

Jessica Shyu, a former teacher who is now a vice president with Teach For China, reports on instructional challenges and developments in China and explores efforts to close global achievement gaps.


Top Performers

Marc Tucker examines how leading nations can help guide the U.S. in shaping education policy.


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