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Common Core kindergarten math homework stumps DAD WITH Ph.D.

Bizarro Common Core kindergarten math homework stumps DAD WITH Ph.D.

Bizarro Common Core kindergarten math homework stumps DAD WITH Ph.D.
Bizarro Common Core kindergarten math homework stumps DAD WITH Ph.D.
Here is the latest in the never-ending litany of frighteningly stupid Common Core math worksheets. This one comes from the father of a kindergarten student in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina.
“I have a Ph.D., and I have no idea what is supposed to be done with this homework assignment,” the flummoxed father told The Daily Caller.
He sent the bizarre worksheet to TheDC on the condition of anonymity because he didn’t want to risk having his child be the subject of any reprisals from school employees.
“I can tell you that my five-year-old brought this home as kindergarten homework Thursday,” he said. “It was a single page worksheet, with the ‘Dear Parent’ section stapled to the top.”
The doctoral dad added that he did research some of the terms on the worksheet “enough to know that ‘K.OA.1′ is Common Core language.” (TheDC’s cursory Google search of the term ‘K.OA.1′ brought up “Kindergarten Common Core Math” with the second hit.)
The baffled parent also noted that the “subtraction stories” worksheet is copyrighted by Houghton Mifflin.
“I did consider that this was some sort of mistake—that is, the wrong instructions were attached to the worksheet,” the kindergarten father told TheDC. “But, notice, the headers seem to match.”
The Ph.D.-holding dad also spied the apparently misspelled word “transprancy” [sic] just above the picture.
“I have no idea what ‘transprancy’ means,” he observed. “It is disturbing to think about how much thought goes into the curriculum. And by that, I don’t mean how little thought, but just that: How much.”
This math lesson – such as it may be – is just one more in the constantly burgeoning inventory of sad and hideous Common Core math problems.
Just this month, for example, Twitchy exposed a stupid, overly complicated set of Common Core math problems involving “number bonds”—and so much more. Those problems were also being inflicted on kindergarteners. (RELATED: Here’s PROOF that Common Core aims to make America’s children cry)
Also in March, a frustrated dad posted his kid’s absurd Common Core-aligned math homework on Instagram. (RELATED: ‘Why are they making math harder?’ More absurd Common Core math problems)

In February, a group of Common Core-aligned math — math — lessons oozed out of the woodwork which require teachers to ask students if the 2000 presidential election was fair and which refer to Lincoln’s religion as either “liberal” or nothing. (RELATED: Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’)
In January, The Daily Caller also brought you a surreal, subtly cruel Common Core math worksheet. (RELATED: This Common Core math worksheet offers a glimpse into Kafkaesque third-grade hell)
January also brought a set of incomprehensible directions for nine-year-olds. (RELATED: Here’s another impossibly stupid Common Core math worksheet)
In December, Twitchy found the most egregiously awful math problem the Common Core had produced yet until that point. (RELATED: Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history?)
In November, Twitchy collected several more incomprehensible, unintentionally hilarious Core-aligned worksheets and tests. (RELATED: EPIC FAIL: Parents reveal insane Common Core worksheets)
Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explained that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. (RELATED: Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO])


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