If you are on track to receive a Verified Certificate with Distinction in this course and are interested in pursuing the Practicum, you must:
- Complete the remaining three Virtual Teacher courses on Coursera (Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom, Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom, and Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom) via signature track with distinction (90% or better in each course).
Offered online through Extension’s learning management system for a cost of $600 USD, the Practicum will have a smaller student-instructor ratio to allow you to receive more individualized feedback from the instructor and other classmates over the 11-week duration of the course.
Throughout the Practicum, you will also:
- Participate in a simulation-type experience with integration of design thinking methodology as well as game design elements.
- Join weekly discussion forums, evaluated learning assessments and interactive learning.
- Conclude the course with a course development prototype to add to your portfolio which could serve as the basis for actual implementation with staff and students.
Upon successful completion of the Practicum, you will be issued a final grade by the instructor which will appear on an official UC Irvine Extension transcript. If you receive a grade of “C” or better, you will receive four (4) quarter – not semester – units of credit which will also appear on your transcript. For more information, please click here [www.extension.uci.edu/ education/vt]www.extension.uci.edu/education/vt. Winter registration begins Friday, October 31, 2014
, and the Practicum begins Monday, January 5, 2015.
Please note a few ways the UC Irvine Extension Virtual Teacher Practicum differs from the final offering in Coursera’s Virtual Teacher Specialization [www.coursera.org/ specialization/# virtualteacher/10], the Capstone Project. The Capstone Project, offered for $49, is three weeks long and you will have the opportunity to create an online learning module during the course. However, there may be a high number of students enrolled which may decrease the opportunity for you to receive personalized feedback. And, unlike the UC Irvine Extension Virtual Teacher Practicum, you will not receive university credit for completing the Coursera Capstone Project.
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