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States Far From Uniform in Commitment to Kindergarten

Urban Districts Develop Common-Core Guide for Teaching ELLs
The Council of the Great City Schools has set out criteria to help educators bring common-core-aligned lessons and materials to English-language learners.
(Education Week)
Oklahoma, Louisiana Take Center Stage in Common-Core Fight
Accusations of federal overreach fly as Oklahoma has its NCLB waiver renewal denied, while a lawsuit by Louisiana's governor says states were coerced into adopting the common core.
(Education Week)
Former 'Redshirted' Students May Get Advanced Placement Edge, Study Finds
Children who are among the oldest in their kindergarten class are more likely than younger classmates to take and pass advanced courses, among other benefits, according to new research.
(Inside School Research)
Funding Doesn't Follow National Praise for Civic Education
Constitution Day is as much a reminder about the lack of government support for civic education as it is the anniversary of the nation's highest law, educators and advocates say.
Debunking Three Assessment MythsDebunking Three Assessment Myths
Teachers have options for managing the pressures of national and local testing demands, write educators Sherah Betts Carr and Anaya Bryson.
(Education Week)
Keeping 9th Graders on Track Can Improve Graduation Rate, Research Finds
(College Bound)
Death of High Schoolers' Reading Habits Greatly Exaggerated, Survey Indicates
(Teaching Now)
Florida Halts State Reading Tests for Grades K-2
(Curriculum Matters)
New York May Ease Test Requirements for Graduation
(Curriculum Matters)
With Help From Bill Gates, 'Big History' to Reach 15,000 Students
(Curriculum Matters)
PARCC Makes Speaking-and-Listening Test Optional
(Curriculum Matters)
Review Finds 'Distortions,' Biases in Texas Social Studies Textbooks
(Curriculum Matters)
California Higher Education Systems Pledge Common-Core Support
(Curriculum Matters)
Students, Admissions Officers Differ Over Planned SAT Changes
(College Bound)
Secretary Duncan Makes Pitch for More STEM Teachers, New Classroom Technology
(Politics K-12)
Twitter Chat: Instilling Civic Responsibility in Students
(Teaching Now)
WEBINAR - Monday, Oct. 6, 2014, 2 to 3 p.m. ET
High-Quality Early Childhood Education: Policy and Practice
Expanding preschool is at the top of the policy agenda for many, but what about improving quality? Laura Bornfreund, the deputy director of the Early Childhood Initiative for the New America Foundation, and Debi Mathias, the director of the QRIS National Learning Network, discuss current quality efforts and ideas for improvement. Click here to attend this free live event.
Sponsored by Amplify Assessment
WEBINAR - Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014, 2 to 3 p.m. ET
Positioning Counselors to Be Game Changers in College Access
In this webinar, experts will discuss initiatives to help high school guidance counselors improve college advising, particularly for those students who may not have traditionally considered postsecondary education an option. Click here to attend this free live event.
WEBINAR - Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014, 2 to 3 p.m. ET
Meeting the New Writing Expectations: Preparing Teachers and Students for Success
Writing is the area that has the furthest to go to meet the new ELA standards. Learn how to build an effective writing program that also supports reading development and content learning. Click here to attend this free live event.
Content provided by Curriculum Associates
Talent Development
To attract and retain top talent in schools today, districts are using a mix of recruitment strategies and performance-based incentives. In this Spotlight, see how schools are growing principal leadership from within and learn about practices to engage and recruit new teachers.
Professional Development Directory
Search our exclusive online directory for PD opportunities in Common CoreMathEnglishSocial Studies, and for English Language Learners.
1. Response: Teachers Should Dress as Students' Advocate, Not 'Peer' (Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo Blog)
2. Homework in Elementary School Divides Educators (Teaching Now Blog)
3. Creating the Context for Growth Mindsets in the Classroom
4. Special Education Charters Renew Inclusion Debate
5. Is the Flipped Class Model Here to Stay? (The Startup Blog)


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