Dacum Training from Ohio State Monday 11/3/14
DACUM (Developing A CurriculUM) is a quick, effectively, relatively low cost method of analyzing jobs and occupations that has been used worldwide for more than 40 years. It results in the production of a DACUM chart listing the duties, tasks, and related information about the job. The chart provides a solid and relevant foundation for developing a curriculum and instructional materials.
SCID (Systematic Curriculum and Instructional Development) is designed to quickly and systematically produce relvant, high-quality, competency-based instructional materials based on the job/occupational analysis developed using the DACUM process.
How Can I Become DACUM/SCID Certified?
Training for DACUM facilitators and SCID practitioners is available several times a year at the Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE), The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, or at your site by arrangement.
Three types of DACUM services are available from CETE:
- A two-day workshop can be conducted in Columbus or at your location. The outcome of such a workshop is a well developed DACUM research chart listing the duties and tasks that define the job, plus some related information.
- A five-day DACUM Institute can be conducted in Columbus or at your location if six or more persons are to be trained. This program prepares you to be a certified DACUM facilitator.
- DACUM Research Chart Bank - Approximately 200 different job anlayses are available in DACUM Research Chart form. All of these represent the results of a two-day workshop conducted within the last eight years.
SCID is presented in a comprehensive 5-day workshop that enables the practitioner to learn and implement critical tasks essential for developing competency-based learner-centered curriculum and instructional materials.
Experienced SCID curriculum developers are also available to conduct task verification, task analysis, and to develop learning guides and other materials.
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