he is based on lessons learned from the Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (STLE) Grant program and ultimately aligned with the State’s updated equity plan. It is designed to ensure students have equitable access to effective educators and graduate college and career ready. The framework is comprised of four main components, depicted above, which outline the Department’s underlying beliefs, assumptions, and expectations for career ladder pathways.
Theory of Action
The Department believes the overall quality of teaching and learning can be raised through the development of comprehensive systems of educator effectiveness improvement that is rooted in sound implementation of the teacher and principal evaluation system. Such systems leverage programs that focus on various elements of a strategically planned Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Continuum. In doing so, these systems can address common talent management challenges that serve as barriers to student achievement and equal education opportunity.
What is an Educator Leader?
Educator Leaders are recognized Effective and Highly Effective teachers and principals that address the emergent needs of students, teachers, and administrators to increase student achievement through established leadership roles that bear additional responsibilities outside traditional requirements.
What are Career Ladder Pathways?
Career ladder pathways are a systemic, coordinated approach that provides new and sustained leadership opportunities with additional compensation, recognition, and job-embedded professional development for teachers and principals in order to advance excellent teaching and learning.
Next Steps for the Expansion of Career Ladder Pathways
The New York State Career Ladder Pathways Team, comprised of Department staff and nominated teacher and principal leaders, began collaboration at the United States Education Department (USED) “Teach to Lead Summit” in May 2015. In collaboration with the STLE Advisory Board, this team will strategize around the expansion of educator leadership opportunities for the 2015-16 school year and beyond.
To learn more about each of the framework components and next steps, access the following materials:
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