G.R.A.Y.S. Project Inc. (Granting at Risk Adolescents & Youth Sustainability) WWW.GRAYSPROJECT.COM Words from the Founder: Hi Supporters, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read our newsletter. We continue to offer SAT/ACT Test prep to local high school students from Middleton, Blake, and Jefferson High School in Tampa, FL every Saturday. We also attended an educational fair through Hillsborough County Public Schools and I am proud to announce that we have signed an agreement with two facilities (PACE Center for Girls & Hillsborough HS) to provide GED Test Prep & Tutoring Services. Our vision is to promote SUCCESS “One child at a time”. GRAY’S SPOTLIGHT feature this month is Project Promise; an organization that provides opportunity & promise to at-risk/delinquent youth. The services they provide include mentoring, intervention, and educational support in collaboration with the Federal Title I Student Interve...
Unveiling the truths in urban education. How race, poverty, culture and teacher preparation impact education. @JluvsVIC #Jluv #Urbanedgirl