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Showing posts from November, 2014

On Line Learning tips and news

Get Educated eLearning and Education Blog Guest Blogging Policies How to Become a Get Educated Guest Blogger Who Can Be a Guest Blogger? If you are a genuine online learning expert we want you chatting up our readers with your intelligent musings, whether that be in the form of articles, infographics, or video shorts. We especially welcome book authors, course developers, ed tech geeks, and online students and teachers alike who are interested in shedding light on online learning and the future of higher education. Why Be a Guest Blogger on Get Educated? If you’re an expert or thought leader on any aspect of online learning — online teaching, online college quality, degree mills, online student success, open source, ebooks, consumer finance for higher education, or ed tech trends — your opinion matters. Your insights could help a new generation of lifelong learners and DIY students get educated about quality online learning. That’s what ...

Pacific Standard time at the Getty

Pacific Standard Time  at the Getty Center Starting Fall 2011 Launching on October 1, 2011,  Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A., 1945–1980  will bring together more than sixty cultural institutions throughout Southern California to tell the story of the rise of the Los Angeles art scene and how it became a new force in the art world. This collaboration, the largest ever undertaken by cultural institutions in the region, will continue to April 2012. It has been initiated by the Getty Foundation through grants totaling $10 million. In conversation with the larger  Pacific Standard Time  initiative, a suite of four exhibitions and various programs at the Getty Center will demonstrate the international significance of art produced in Los Angeles during this era.

Harvard Students Fail the Literacy Test Louisiana Used to Suppress the Black Vote in 1964

Harvard Students Fail the Literacy Test Louisiana Used to Suppress the Black Vote in 1964 I am surprised by the number of individuals who are actually shocked by this article?  Why is that? Consider the possibility: As  Americans living within the U.S. could we actually live in a biased society? Centered on Angelo culture and beliefs, possibly designed to cater and enhance the attributes of White Angelo Americans? What do you think: Do Americans living within the the U.S have a greater tendency to ore judge; selecting such factors as economic status or race as their possible reference when making these assessments? Have you ever considered you personally may have these tendencies; prejudging on the basics of  basis of color/race? Could we as a nation possibly influence educators, as well as community leaders to change their opinions? Speak out and let your voice be heard!

Crowning of Miss Indian World - 2013 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow - PowW...

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 3 -

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 2 -

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 1 -

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 1 -

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 6 -

2013 Gathering of Nations Webcast Archive 1 -

All about natives- Grand Entry - 2013 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow -

Sponsoring Susan Russo- Please check out what she is doing in her community

Please vote for Susan Russo to win the Curvy Idol competition!!!! I just want to take a few minutes to talk about why we are doing the Curvy Idol competition. All of the proceeds raised for Curvy Idol are going to send girls to camp. Not just any girl; not just any camp. We want to send girls who battle with weight and self-image issues to a camp where they will learn to respect and love themselves and not succumb to the bullying comments that we all remember h earing in the halls at school. Remember those voices? Maybe someone made up a nasty name about you. Maybe someone picked on you because you were too fat, too skinny, had no chest, had a big butt, had greasy hair, had bad teeth. Maybe you were bullied for being different. Or maybe YOU were the bully. Kids can be cruel. We're going to help girls who deal with this every day. We're out to stop the hate. Make sure that these girls know that they are lov...

Dacum Training 11/3/14

Dacum Training from Ohio State Monday 11/3/14 DACUM ( D eveloping  A   C urricul UM ) is a quick, effectively, relatively low cost method of analyzing jobs and occupations that has been used worldwide for more than 40 years.  It results in the production of a DACUM chart listing the duties, tasks, and related information about the job.  The chart provides a solid and relevant  foundation  for developing a curriculum and instructional materials. SCID ( S ystematic  C urriculum and  I nstructional  D evelopment) is designed to quickly and systematically produce relvant, high-quality, competency-based instructional materials based on the job/occupational analysis developed using the DACUM process. How Can I Become DACUM/SCID Certified? Training for DACUM facilitators and SCID practitioners is available several times a year at the Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE), The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, or at...

CTE resources for curriculum Development Define: Identify the work people do. Through skills standards and competency development that includes key skills and knowledge lined to professional/work roles. Skill Standards Development — identify, verify, validate, and documenting what individuals need to know and be able to do to effectively perform functional roles associated within business processes Skill Standards Contextualization — using validated skill standards to identify, verify, validate, and document functional role profiles associated with occupational and/or industry clusters PODS (Process Oriented Data Structure) Development — using legacy content, performance, and skill standards to build an integrated process framework for curriculum content and assessment development Measure: Assess what people know. Through development and implementation for outcome driven standards-based assessments and certifications. Item Bank Development, Delivery, and Maintenance — develop, valid...

Overview of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Provide online access to a searchable, easily  navigable database of industry recognized, valid,  and reliable assessments.

The Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to leading change in education The Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to leading change in education Since 1979, we've been creating educational tools and innovative programs to empower faculty and prepare students for greater success in careers and higher education. We invite you to learn more about how CORD assists educators across the country and around the globe.


O*NET - beyond information - intelligence What is the O*NET® System? The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is a database of occupational requirements and worker attributes. It describes occupations in terms of the skills and knowledge required, how the work is performed, and typical work settings. It can be used by businesses, educators, job seekers, human resources professionals, and the publicly funded Workforce Investment System to help meet the talent needs of our competitive global economy. O*NET information helps support the creation of industry competency models. The O*NET System: Promotes business efficiency and talent development Supports education of the workforce through skills training and curriculum design for regional economic development Facilitates career guidance and career advancement accounts The O*NET system, using a common language and terminology to describe occupational requirements, supersedes the seventy-year-old  Dictionary of Occup...